Why Should You Try a DISC Assessment?
Communication is something we use every single day. It is something both so easy and incredibly complex. It is arguably the most important aspect for a high-functioning team to master. Without effective communication, it is impossible to get anything done as a group.
Everyone communicates and acts in different ways. We all have had different experiences that have shaped us over the course of our lives, and we all have different biases, preferences, motivations, and values that influence our behavior. People are extremely complex, and with all these differences between every single person, miscommunication is easy. Often, we don’t even know that it has even occurred. However, a little understanding can go a long way to dramatically improving communication with everyone in our lives.
DISC helps you understand your own communication style, how you interact with people, and it also helps you understand how to work with others. When applied across an entire team, it helps everyone meet in the middle, recognizing and empowering the strengths of each style.
How DISC Works
DISC is an assessment that measures an individual’s behavioral style. It can help individuals and teams improve their communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. DISC assessments are not tests, but rather tools to understand how people respond to different situations.
Understanding behavioral differences can help individuals and teams effectively communicate. DISC focuses on patterns of external, observable behaviors. Specifically, it measures the energy you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details. It measures the intensity of these characteristics using scales of directness and openness for each of the four styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious. Everyone is a combination of all four styles with a dominant style.
How is DISC different than other behavioral assessments?
DISC is completely tailored to the individual, offering a much more nuanced approach when compared to other profiling systems. Since everyone is a combination of all four styles, DISC recognizes that no one can easily be placed into a category or box. And rather than simply describing characteristics, DISC provides you with actionable tools and methods to work better with others.
DISC can also inspire individuals and teams to thrive using their own communication styles while also learning how to effectively adapt and engage respectfully with others. DISC’s nuanced approach goes much deeper than other popular assessments, providing you with a wealth of approaches and strategies to leverage.
DISC and You
DISC measures your underlying emotions, needs, and fears, which are the primary concerns that drive all behavior. During a DISC assessment, you self-select words that are most like you and words that are least like you. Through those responses, the assessment reveals your behavioral style and creates a short description of you.
This description helps you to recognize your own combination of all four styles, your dominant style, and how to best leverage your style in your environment and with others. It also tells others how to communicate with you, anticipates normal tensions in relationships, and shows you how to read others and adapt your communication.
DISC and Others
In addition to understanding your own combination of styles, DISC helps you recognize and cognitively adapt to the styles of others. Specifically, it helps you develop a process to communicate more effectively by understanding and identifying how others communicate and their work styles. We need all four styles in the world to be as effective and successful as possible as a community and as individuals, so this knowledge is extremely valuable to working as a team.
Get Started with DISC
To get started with the benefits of DISC, CultureStream is offering special pricing this summer. Contact CultureStream before the end of summer (Sept 22) to learn how DISC can help you and your team.
We look forward to working with you 🦋